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How to create SEO-friendly URLs for your images?

How to take advantage of the TwicPics’ Catch-All Path feature to optimize your SEO?

How to create SEO-friendly URLs for your images?

In this article, you’ll learn how to exploit a hidden gem of TwicPics to optimize your SEO in a super simple way.

As a reminder and before diving into details, there are several benefits to providing semantic and well-structured URLs for images on the web:

  1. Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines use the text in URLs to understand the content of a page and index it accordingly. Semantic and well-structured URLs help search engines easily identify the content of a page and display it in search results.
  2. Better User Experience: Semantic URLs are easier for users to understand and remember, which improve the overall user experience on a website.
  3. Increased Crawlability: Well-structured URLs make it easier for search engines and other web crawlers to crawl and index a website's content, leading to increased visibility and better rankings.
  4. Better Accessibility: Semantic URLs help people with disabilities, such as those who use screen readers, understand the content of a page.

How can TwicPics help?

Let’s say that you own an e-commerce website that sells shoes and that your product images are served to your end-users this way:

The best practice here would be to deliver something like this:

Good news! TwicPics offers a feature that does just that. The “Catch-All Path”.

By adding a wildcard character (”*”) in your TwicPics path, you can insert arbitrary slugs in your TwicPics URL.

What it means is that you can add a meaningful section to your TwicPics URL, and boost SEO.

This "catch-all" path segment can be anything as long as it does not contain a slash (/).

You could for example dynamically format your image URL by using your product title.

Overall, providing semantic and well-structured URLs for images will improve the visibility, accessibility, and usability of your website.

Check the documentation to learn more about the “catch-all" path feature.