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Personalized User Experience with Beyable

Create a custom made visual experience for every user on your website

Personalized User Experience with Beyable

Today it’s impossible to neglect the subject of UX. It has gone far beyond a simple society trend. User experience is no longer a topic just for a few luxury brands, thus becoming a real challenge for all brands around the world. From Low Cost -like Lidl’s rebranding- through new unicorns from the banking and insurance sectors like Alan, or Floa, UX is nowadays in the center of companies strategies.

But how can we define it? Why is user experience important? Why, as consumers, are we influenced that much by the experience given in a real shop or virtual environnement, created by the brands? Why have our habits and needs changed this much throughout the last years?

We worked side by side with BEYABLE, a start-up specialized in the personalization of the customer journey to answer all these questions. As a result, 3 traps to avoid, and 3 pieces of advice to optimize the user experience on your websites!

Mistake #1: Not caring about the uniqueness of Internet users

Imagine a nice shop, busy and well-furnished. Now, imagine that in this nice shop there are no fashion advisors, and no one greeting you at the entrance ; in short, nobody helping or informing you through your visit. Nothing can prevent you from leaving the shop as well. What experience would you gain from this?

That is exactly the same thing on the Internet: a motionless website, without any supervision or support, identical for every user, doesn’t make any sense when you talk about user experience.

To be more specific, here are some examples:

  • 20 minutes and the digital bill : The newspaper and its team offer the same navigation experience for all their readers thanks to a meticulous image optimization, depending on the connection quality of the user.
  • A.P.C: The user experience will be the same, whether you are in the physical shop or on the eshop. You will be granted access to the same level of support and services (sizes guide suggested at the right time, private sales reserved loyal client, gifts …).

Mistake #2: Invest too much in acquisition

If you spend more and more in acquisition, without analyzing your present traffic, you will lose some of your margin. Optimization and an understanding of traffic is the key to avoiding that mistake. Plus, your spending is not proportional to the impact on your sales. But before panicking, you need to check your conversion rate averaged over a year. Most of the time, it is at 2 or 3% in ecommerce, which means that 97% or 98%, thus a large majority of users, don't even spend €1 on your website! So start by increasing your average conversion rate with beautiful visuals and an optimized and personalized UX.

Mistake #3: Neglect the importance of AB testing

There is no scientific rule that can guarantee a perfect user experience optimization of your website. Each website has to confront its optimization to its own audience. Before launching a new feature, always start by checking your hypothesis, otherwise you will lose time and money, before realizing that all your hard work needs to be revised.

AB testing is the best way to check your ideas (test your hypothesis on a significant sample), and to make sure that they are adapted to your target. You will be amazed to see how much your conversion rate can be modified, by changing only colors or the wording of your CTA.

Advice #1: Identify your target and understand your consumers in order to adapt your content

Draw up a profile of your typical visitor or visitors and don't hesitate to go as far as possible in the description. Before you start thinking of an online experience, you need to know exactly who you are talking to, so you can understand their needs, their issues, and what will resonate with them or drive them away.

A human brain needs approximately 5 seconds to have an opinion on a person, a product, or in this case a website. So the first impression is key. Therefore, you have to begin your optimization journey, by considering your home page look. The home page or landing page, is the road used by most of your users : is its content understandable and adapted to your target? Is information easy to access?

Advice #2: Reduce your loading time by optimizing your visual assets

From a technical point of view, taking care of your LCP -Largest Contentful Paint, one of the Core Web Vitals, Google metrics- has a direct impact on your SEO, and thus on your business results. The LCP measures the potential frustration of a user waiting for the largest content to load on the page.

Generally speaking, images or videos are the largest content instantly visible on your website - as we say “in the viewport”. Whether it's the visuals in blog posts headers, or the product carousels on ecommerce sites, both are LCP elements. If the main element of the page is too long to load, then your users will log out and flee to a competition website.

Renault conducted studies on its site and observed that a 1 second improvement on the LCP score could reduce the bounce rate by 14% and increase the conversion rate by 13%.

Read More: How to find the Largest Contentful Paint element

Advice #3: Personalize the experience of your users

Because an image or a video is more evocative than a long speech, it is crucial to be meticulous about your website visuals! If you want to boost your conversion, you have to create an individualized experience for your users.

At BEYABLE, they have noticed an increase of 35% in the average of the conversion rate thanks to personalized content!

Personalisation is also achieved through the size and weight of the assets delivered. How should you optimize your visual content at best, to create a unique experience? You need to adapt your images and videos into each user context. That is, to know the device, the browser on which he consults your site but also the quality of his connection.

Objective: to send only the necessary data so as not to slow down the display speed while delivering a visual quality that matches your brand image.


Finally, if you were to retain only one point from these tips, it would be that personalization of the content and its delivery is not only pivotal to increase your conversion rate but also unavoidable if you don't want to lose all your users to your competitors.


BEYABLE is the finest SaaS solution for website personalization and A/B testing on the market. Thanks to its technology, BEYABLE helps brands to offer a unique online visitor experience, allowing them to act on many KPIs such as improving the average shopping cart, reducing the abandoned cart rate, or increasing customer loyalty.

BEYABLE's promise: to boost website revenues, quickly and easily.

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Thanks to Marion Varamo, Head of Partnerships at Beyable, for her expertise and availability while writing this article.